jueves, 13 de febrero de 2020

Water highway” in Chile: one million new agricultural hectares

As can be seen in the videos that are shared, the severe shortage of water resources in Chile, accentuated by the current drought in that country, the worst in 60 years, but that is chronic.
The “water highway” consists of transferring the surpluses of water produced in the valleys of southern Chile, to the central and northern areas, especially the departments of Antofagasta, Tarapacá, Arica, Atacama and Coquimbo, and improving irrigation in the central departments. The water conduction will be basically longitudinal, parallel to the coast, accompanied by the necessary embalming. The Chilean north has one of the largest deserts in the world, the Atacama Desert, which, due to an orographic determination, lacks water sources on the other side of the mountain range (Argentina). The objective of “Reguemos Chile” is to irrigate a million of hectares, with its contribution in electricity generation, at a total cost of US $ 20,000 million, which would multiply agricultural exports by 4.
The project model is the fabulous hydraulic projects of President F.D. Roosevelt in the United States, which turned the desert California into a huge and efficient agricultural center. As readers of this blog know, these Rooseveltian programs are renewed in the North American Water and Energy Alliance (NAWAPA) project, which as Benjamin Deniston argues (in the video available in the previous link), remodels the "water cycle" for human well-being.
As Juan Sutil, president of the Corporation Reguemos Chile, promoter of the “water highway” stands out, another model is the Peruvian project of Olmos, consisting of the transverse conduction of water that runs to the Atlantic, through a trans-Andean, transverse tunnel, to the thirsty Peruvian desert coast, which has earned 50,000 hectares of new irrigated land, reaching 200,000 hectares, with Chavimochic, among other smilial projects. As we have discussed in the blog (see post), all hydraulic projects in Peru - Chavimochic. Majes, Tinajones, Alto Piura - have the same profile, and have been implemented for at least 80 years, at least, although the energy element has been cut short. Olmos, the heart of the Peruvian agricultural exporter boom, as a project, is over 100 years old, but it has only been done in the last 10 years.
See also next videos:

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